There is a sharing of knowledge at PubhD Coimbra

Ana Carolina Silva was the second speaker at the February session of PubhD Coimbra, coming from her PhD in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine. She presented “How to treat genetic diseases that affect the brain”, a research project carried out at the CNC-UC-Center for Neuroscience and Cellular Biology.

18 march, 2024≈ 2 min read

Why did you decide to participate in PubhD Coimbra?

Asked if I'd like to take part, I accepted. I always find this idea of sharing and communicating science interesting, and also talking about my doctoral project to an audience that isn't necessarily from the area I work in. I thought it was an interesting challenge.

How was your experience in this edition of PubhD Coimbra?

It was quite interesting, I really liked it. There were a lot of people in the audience, which is a little intimidating for those in front of the microphone, but it was fun and so were the questions at the end, it was interesting to see that sharing of knowledge.

Would you advise other colleagues to participate?

Yes, I would recommend it.