PubhD Coimbra contributes to a "scientific culture"

Tofinish the May session of PubhD Coimbra, we had with us Hannah Silva Linhares, a doctoral student in Human Rights in Communities. She came to tell us about her research at the Center for Social Studies - CES, which has the theme “Human Rights found in Art: towards other Readings of Legal Imagination Maps”.

15 june, 2024≈ 2 min read

Why did you decide to participate in PubhD Coimbra?

My participation was motivated by my enchantment with the project, I mean, by this opportunity to disseminate science in an informal, accessible, conversational way, to share, see and hear what people are researching and interested in, in short, to truly contribute to a "scientific culture".

How was your experience in this edition of PubhD Coimbra?

My experience participating in this event was wonderful: the exchange, sharing, ideas, conversation make the environment welcoming, encouraging the creation of an accessible, comfortable and enriching space for culture and science. Talking about your thesis to a diverse audience is an interesting challenge that is proposed to us to make us understood by everyone. After all, science is and should be an ordinary matter of everyday life.

Would you advise other colleagues to participate?

I advise and invite other colleagues, science producers, to engage in initiatives like this to make it happen and bring us closer to a sense of community (whether academic or not).