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Researcher's Day 2020

Researchers’ path - Scientific employment, Career development & Research(ers) assessment


November 24th 2020 | ONLINE | Via Zoom

9:15 Meet & Greet
9:30 Opening session
Cláudia Cavadas, Vice-Rector for Research
9:40 From postdoc to research leader in or beyond academia
Séverine le Bras, Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC), University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
9:55 Prospects for change as a scientific career strategy
José Oliveira Martins, Professor, Researcher, R&D Unit Coordinator
10:10 PostDocs@UC briefing: from the past to a bright future
Postdocs@UC Representative
10:25 Researcher at the University of Coimbra: challenges and opportunities
Cláudia Cavadas, Vice-Rector for Research
10:45 Q&A session with speakers: opening of the session to the public

Working groups

1 - Models of Scientific Employment and Research Funding: what are the alternatives? (moderator: Maria Ribeiro)
2 - Research Assessment and Researchers Evaluation: what’s ahead? (moderator: Inês Almeida)
3 - Continuing Professional Development: what to expect from formative activities? What skills do we need for the future? (moderator: Ana Carvalho)
4 - Alternative career paths for PhDs (Moderador: Marta Passadouro)

12:30 Working groups discussion key points, final discussion & conclusions
Definition of next steps
13:00 Researchers Day closure