Meeting between UC researchers and MEP Maria Manuel Leitão Marques

Maria Manuel Leitão Marques met with UC women researchers to talk about leadership paths, challenges and experiences.

18 october, 2023≈ 2 min read

On 13 October, UC women researchers who took part in the 1st edition of the Women Researchers@UC Bootcamp, which took place in November 2022 in Luso, met with the Member of the European Parliament, Maria Manuel Leitão Marques. The session Paths, Challenges, and Leadership Experiences allowed the MEP to share her professional career, which began in academia, where she still works, and then moved on to politics in the early 2000s. She also responded to questions and reflections from the researchers. Among the various messages left by Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, the final ones were that we must be "always alert and vigilant" so as not to lose the rights we have acquired on the road to gender equality in society and that we must be "persistent, resilient, and patient." At the end of the session, the researchers and the MP had a networking moment.

This was the first of two complementary sessions to be promoted as part of the Women Researchers@UC Bootcamp, within the GendER@UC EEA Grants project, raising awareness of gender equality in UC research and academia.