/ Education / PhD Programs

Experimental Biology and Biomedicine

Biology, especially in its translational and interdisciplinary aspects is a fundamental Science in the 21st Century, and all indicators point to an increased investment in related fields in the next decades, namely in terms of Experimental Biology and Biomedicine. Given the critical mass at the University of Coimbra (including Faculty of Science and Technology, Pharmacy and Medicine, as well as Research Centers and Hospitals) this is a niche of excellence that urges further development. Scientific training in this field must be flexible and involve researchers with different backgrounds and approaches.

Objectives of the PhD. Course

PhD Program in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine aims to contribute to training a new generation of internationally competitive professionals in cutting-edge fundamental research, with application in the development of diagnostic tools, new biotechnological applications, and relevant pre-clinical therapeutic models with a multi- and trans-disciplinary training. In addition, the curriculum of the PhDProgramme focuses on several areas such as entrepreneurship and communication in science, contributing to increase the competitiveness of students in the future labour market.

Admission criteria

The following requirements should be met for the successful application in this PhD programme:

  1. M.sc. degree holders or equivalent;
  2. Teaching assistants with certification of pedagogic and scientific capacity;
  3. Degree holders with suitable relevant academic and scientific record for this porgramme;
  4. Candidates are selected on the basis of their suitability for the course proposed in terms of academic, scientific or professional record.

Coordination of the Course

PhD Nuno Empadinhas

PhD Luísa Cortes

Available places

1st Phase: 2 places

2nd Phase: 4 places

3rd Phase: 14 places + remaining places

Extraordinary Phase: remaining places

Application Deadline

1st phase: March 1st to April 1st, 2024

2nd phase: June 3rd to July 15th, 2024

3rd phase: September 2nd to 13th, 2024

Extraordinary phase: October 22th to 29th, 2024

Sustainable Development Goals