/ Education / PhD Programs

Contemporary Studies

More than in any other stage of human history, the difficulties and the potential of the present day’s conjuncture make the Social Sciences and its technology outcome useful. According to this approach, the Contemporary Studies PhD Program purposes the deepening of the scientific and technologic research on contemporary societies of the 20th and 21st centuries. The development of research and intervention strategies of interdisciplinary nature in a comparative bases is therefore considered pertinent.


The curricular offer intends to support the education of autonomous and effective, creative and accurate researchers. This aim will be achieved by promoting the acquisition of complex knowledge on contemporary societies. Therefore, an interdisciplinary approach will be adopted, grounded on contemporary history of European studies, political sciences, artistic studies, communication sciences, educational sciences and/or health sciences. The relevance of epistemological, theoretical and methodological instruments is to be detached in the scope of the production of scientific or technological operative knowledge. Thus, the individual or comparative analysis of social phenomena at local/regional, national and international is to be promoted in short, medium or long term periods.

The students of the PhD Course in Contemporary Studies will significantly broaden their level of autonomy as researchers. Their capacity of structuring interdisciplinary and comparative approaches related to micro, meso and macro subjects will be enhanced. They might also develop skills for identification and delimitation of significant study objects, selection of appropriate working methodologies, and clarification of acknowledged object. They will have increased skills in the conception, application and evaluation of technological solutions that, according to the different areas of knowledge, enable the satisfaction of social needs.

Duration of the Course

8 Semesters.

Coordination of the Course

PhD José António Oliveira Martins

PhD Dina Sebastião



Positions available:

1st phase: 6 places;
2nd phase: 13 places;
3rd phase: 1 places + remaining places;
Extraordinary phase: remaining places.

The course will only run if the minimum number of students enrolled (5 students) is reached.

Application Deadline

1st phase: March 1st - April 1st, 2024

2nd phase: June 3rd to July 15th, 2024

3rd phase: September 2nd - 13th, 2024

Extraordinary phase: October 22th - 29th, 2024