/ Education / iiiUC Training

Journal Management and Indexing

The sixth session of iiiUC Training: Research Support Tools is dedicated to Journal management and Indexing and will be performed in collaboration with the Coimbra University Press (CUP).

This event will be composed by two parts. In the first, the Open Journal Systems platform for the editorial management of scientific journals will be presented. In the second part, it will be explained the process of indexing scientific journals of CUP.

The objectives are, on the one hand, to make known editorial management tools, in particular to agents linked to publishing in science, and, on the other hand, to disseminate among researchers the current panorama of editing and indexing of journals by CUP, as well as the good editorial practices that can enhance its success.

This iiiUC event is online and open to the entire UC community.

The session takes place on the afternoon of next January 14th, Thursday, at 2pm and registration can be made here.

The link to event access will be sent on January 13th.

The session takes place on the afternoon of next January 14th, Thursday, at 2pm and registration can be made here.

Programme of the Session

2pm - Opening

Professor Cláudia Cavadas, Director of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research and Vice-Rector for Research

2:05pm - Presentation of the iiiUC Training: Research Support Tools

Ana Santos Carvalho and Licínia Ferreira, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research

2:15pm - Open Journal Systems Platform for the editorial management of scientific journals

Carlos Costa and Mickael Silva, Coimbra University Press

3:00pm- IUC scientific journal indexing

Maria João Padez and Delfim Leão (Vice-Rector for Culture and Open Science)

Coimbra University Press

3:45pm - Questions

4:00pm - End