/ Education / iiiUC Training

Impact, Assessment of Scientific Production

The thirteenth session of iiiUC Training: Research Support Tools is dedicated to the theme Impact, Assessment of Scientific Production and Responsible Metrics.

The session will be conducted by Silvana Roque de Oliveira, researcher at CEIS20-UC and CHAM-UNL and PhD student in Information Science at FLUC, preparing a thesis in the area of Bibliometrics. During the training it is intended to transmit a set of criteria to identify the good and bad use of metrics applied to the assessment of scientific production, from the main bibliometric indicators to the most recent altmetrics.

In order to do so, a brief summary of principles will be presented according to reference documents, such as the Leiden Manifesto, the Metric Tide report, and the European Commission's Next-Generation Metrics report, followed by the presentation of the Metrics Toolkit project and the analysis of practical examples.

The session takes place on the afternoon of Thursday April 29th, at 2.30pm.

The slides of this training are available here.