reUniii | 4th Gathering iiiUC, the 4th meeting of PhD students of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research aims to bring together the various students from the iiiUC Doctoral Programmes, promoting communication, sharing experiences and networking in different areas of research. It will also be an opportunity for students to get to know better the iiiUC, its team and other information that could be useful during their time as PhD students.

This event will be in Portuguese and includes lunch and a convivial snack, it is free but registration is mandatory!

Target Public: PhD students at iiiUC

Face-to-face event

Language: Portuguese

Date/Time: 14th June 2024, 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Place: Institute for Interdisciplinary Research | Casa Costa Alemão, R. Dom Francisco de Lemos, 3030-789 Coimbra.


Opening Session

This session will welcome all participants. João Ramalho-Santos (Director), Marta Oliveira (Subdirector) and Jorge Noro (Executive Coordinator) will briefly cover topics such as iiiUC's Vision and Strategy, Scientific Council, Pedagogical Council, Ethics Committee, as well as iiiUC's training offer, projects and resources.

Opening Session presentation

Session I - Success Stories

The aim of the "Session I: Success Stories" is for our students to get to know some of the academic and professional journeys of current and former iiiUC students and the extent to which their PhD's are/were important in their successful careers. The session is also intended to encourage the sharing of experiences and the exchange of contacts between Alumni and iiiUC students.

Know more

Session II and III

The afternoon is reserved for Sessions II and III. "Session II - Let's break the ice?" will consist of group icebreaker activities. "Session III - Peddy-paper: Discovering iiiUC" will consist of various challenges along a route. This Peddy-paper aims to stimulate socialising, team spirit and the sharing of experiences between participants. At the end there will be a prize-giving ceremony for the winning team and the day will end with a social snack.