

They can be listed in two points:

  • Creation of an algorithm capable of gauging the emotional/psychophysiological state of game users, in real time, using information from biosensors;

  • Dynamic adaptation of the therapeutic games based on the emotional/psychophysiological state of the participants, provided by the algorithm in real time, which allows the user to be motivated by adjusting the training plan, which will amplify its effect.


Therapeutic games are an increasingly used form of skill training in autism. However, the user experience is very variable and different features of the games can create stress or discomfort for users which may make the games less effective in their purpose.

With BioHab we intend to keep a constant, yet minimalist and non-invasive, monitoring of the user experience, adapting the games automatically whenever we detect anxiety peaks, for example, which will allow us to adapt the game in order to keep the user motivated.

Additionally, therapeutic games often work on gamification strategies, where participants receive rewards as they progress through the game. However, reward processing often works differently in Autism Spectrum Disorder, leading to rewards not having the expected effect. With BioHab, we will be able to measure in real time the reaction to rewards and, based on that reaction, adapt the next rewards to maximise the impact of the game.

This way we will not only prevent participants from dropping out of training plans due to stressful situations, but we will also increase the positive impact of training by adjusting gamification rewards in real time.