WP & Tasks

WP 1 - Start & Preparation

Calendar tuning and personnel allocation to activities; definition of coordination structures; definition of quality standards to be followed; site approval; management workshop; definition of dissemination & outreach strategy.

WP Coordinator:

Pedro Dinis

D1.1-Report_KoM (PDF)

WP 2 - Capacity Building – Infrastructures Improvement

Acquisition of the equipment necessary for project training activities at the beginning of the project, in order to have the appropriate impact.


T2.1: Equipment acquisition for UAN: Aurora Bambi (UAN)

Equipment acquisition for UKB: Leonardo Roos Handa Tchindombe (UKB)

(PhD student in Geology)

T2.3: Equipment acquisition for UMN: Eduardo Cai (UMN)
T2.4: Equipment acquisition for UEM: Daud Jamal (UEM)
T2.5: Equipment acquisition for UL: Loite José (UL)
T2.6: Equipment acquisition for UP: Kátia Marisa Paulo Gotine (UP)

WP coordinator:

Daud Jamal (UEM)

WP 3 - Study Plans Analysis

Analysis of Study plans (UAN, UKM, UMN, UEM, UPungue and ULurio) and preparation of suggestions for improvement; M3 to M9.

WP coordinator:

Aida Jacinto (UMN)

WP 4 - Training in Africa

Training in Africa mainly of the responsibility of UAN and UEM (Empowerment of African partners).


T4.1: Training in Luanda, Irina Miguel (UAN)
T4.2: Training in Maputo, Luis Magaia (UEM)

WP coordinator:

Irina Miguel

WP 5 - On-Line Training

On-line training under the responsibility of the European partners (USAL, UC; and UNITO).

WP coordinator:

Dolores Pereira (USAL)

WP 6 - Professional Training

Professional training at local companies and institutions.


T6.1: Internships in Angola: Amarildo Tito (UMN)
T6.2: Internships in Mozambique: Elsa Assiaty António (UL)

WP coordinator:

Loite José (UL)

WP 7 - Research Training & Proposals Preparation

Two selected trainees from each of the four main beneficiaries will stay Europe for a period of laboratory and advanced techniques training which will be followed by a period of training in research proposals preparation.


T7.1: Training of selected trainees in research at UC, USAL and UNITO: Manuela Lasagna (UNITO)

WP coordinator:

Giovanna Dino (UNITO)

WP 8 - QA/QC & Sustainability

Ensure that the WPs are been carried out smoothly and in accordance to plan; prepare tasks for the long-term sustainability of the objectives of the project.


T8.1: QA/QC: Dolores Pereira (USAL)

Sustainability: Irene de Felipe (USAL)

WP Coordinator:

Dolores Pereira (USAL)

WP 9 - Dissemination & Outreach

Proper dissemination of the project results; contact new collaborators to the initiative; reach as many stakeholders as possible.


T9.1: Communication plan: Pedro Costa (UC)
T9.2: Website and social media: Kátia Marisa Paulo Gotine (UP)
T9.3: Sustainability plan, Adélito Bernardo (UP)

WP coordinator:

Laura J. Jaime

D9.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan (PDF)

WP 10 – Management

Management of the project with the collaboration of all partners

WP coordinator:

Pedro Dinis

D10.2-ProjectHandbook (PDF)