University of Salamanca contributes to the implementation of higher studies in African universities

06 february, 2024≈ 2 min read

The University of Salamanca participates in the European project GEODES, which aims to implement higher studies in Geosciences and Mining Engineering at different African universities. USAL Petrology and Geochemistry professor Lola Pereiro is the main investigator of the project, in which other professors from the Department of Geology collaborate.

GEODES, an acronym for Geosciences, Development and Sustainability – Africa and Europe together, has a budget of almost €450,000 co-financed by the European Union's Erasmus+ Programme, aimed mainly at providing research infrastructure and teacher training at African universities by teachers from European institutions. The coordination of the consortium is the responsibility of the University of Coimbra.

It is not the first time that the University of Salamanca has participated in an initiative of this type, as GEODES presents itself as the continuation of a previous project in the same vein, SUGERE, which concluded last November with successful results for African universities involved from Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde.

In the new project, universities that were already in SUGERE participate as hosts, such as Eduardo Mondlane from Mozambique and Agostinho Neto, from Angola, and the participation of smaller ones from both countries was promoted, such as the Angolan universities of Katyavala Bwila and Mandume Ya Ndemufayo, and the Mozambicans of Lúrio and Púnguè.