/ Education / Postgraduate Courses

Training Course in Planning of Research Projects

Course Coordinator

Professor Francisco José Santiago Fernandes Amado Caramelo, PhD.
Email: fcaramelo@ibili.uc.pt

School fees 80,00€

Gabinete de Estudos Avançados

Telefone: +351 239 857 729

e-mail: gea@fmed.uc.pt

More information https://apps.uc.pt/courses/en/course/7981

General Objectives of the Course
Identify the main characteristics of the scientific method and discuss its application to real cases; Recognize the research question as the central aspect in a research study and formulate research questions taking into account its essential characteristics; Identify the different types of studies, their limitations and applications; Plan a statistical study clearly identifying the research question, the main variable, the population and develop the ability to determine the sample size; Describe the data using adequate summary measures and graphical forms; Select the appropriate statistical methods to the formulated scientific questions; Interpret the results of the statistical methods; Correctly report statistical results.

Admission Requirements
Candidates from undergraduate, master or doctoral health courses are preferred as well as other researchers whose academic, scientific or professional curriculum justifies the usefulness of this course to their training or activity.
Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills
At the end of the course, trainees should be able to: set up a research question correctly; Plan in detail a research study; Select the most appropriate statistical methods to analyse the data resulting from the research study; Present the results obtained in the study correctly and efficiently.


Período de candidatura

1ª fase - 10 de novembro a 10 de dezembro de 2021

1ª fase - 16 a 31 de dezembro de 2021

Local - Online no site: https://inforestudante.uc.pt/nonio/security/login.do

Aviso de Abertura

Documentos para a candidatura

  • Cópia do Documento de Identificação (BI, CC ou Passaporte)
  • Carta de motivação
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Certidão do curso superior de que é detentor

Condições de acesso

São preferenciais os candidatos de cursos de licenciatura, mestrado ou doutoramento na área da saúde e outros investigadores cujo currículo escolar, científico ou profissional justifique a utilidade deste curso para a sua formação ou atividade.

Local e horário de funcionamento

O curso terá lugar nos dias 18, 20, 25 e 27 de janeiro e 1 de fevereiro de 2022, das 17h30h às 20h30.

Será lecionado em modelo hibrido