/ Education / Postgraduate Courses

Training Course in Fundamentals and Practicals in Microbial Genetics, Biochemistry and Physiology

Course Coordinator

Professor Teresa Maria Fonseca Oliveira Gonçalves, PhD.
Email: tmfog@ci.uc.pt
Nº Vagas 30
School fees 100,00€

Gabinete de Estudos Avançados

Telefone: +351 239 857 729

e-mail: gea@fmed.uc.pt

More information


General Objectives of the Course
The continuous development of the science and technology knowledge leads to a mandatory implementation of mechanisms to acquire new skills or to update concepts and techniques learned during the basic undergraduate studies of the Biological Sciences Teachers, that will help them to face the demanding needs of Modern Societies. This course intends to be a Training Program for Teachers in the context of the Continuous Training in the specific field of Microbiology, with concepts that easily can be transposed to the classroom. The proposed subjects are included in the current curricula frame of Secondary School. The course includes a structuring theoretical component, with the goal of updating the most recent knowledge in Microbiology, and a practical/laboratory component where the trainees will have the opportunity to develop laboratory skills, easily implemented at the classroom.

Admission Requirements
Graduates and / or Masters in the area of Life Sciences and Earth, Teachers of Biology and Geology of Basic and Secondary Education of groups 520 and 230.
Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills
•Recognition of the new concepts in taxonomy and identification of microrganisms
•Identification of the diversity found among ultrastructure, morphology and physiology of microrganisms.
•To recognize specificities of microbial genetics, and the importance of these in the mechanisms of acquisition of genetical variability (e.g. resistance to antimicrobials), in genecial engeneering and biotechnology.
•Skills in laboratory techniques of classical microbiology and Molecular Microbiology.
•Recognition of the mechanisms necessary for the design of experimental protocols.
•Recognition of the importance of digital resources as a tool to teach Microbiology.


Período de candidatura

1ª fase - 5 de outubro a 17 de novembro de 2019

2ª fase - 27 de novembro a 8 de dezembro de 2019

3ª Fase - 13 a 22 de dezembro de 2019

Local - Online no site: https://inforestudante.uc.pt/nonio/security/login.do

Documentos para a candidatura

  • Cópia do Documento de Identificação (BI, CC ou Passaporte)

  • Carta de motivação

  • Curriculum vitae

  • Certidão do curso superior de que é detentor

Data e Local de funcionamento

Data e horário: O curso será lecionado ao Sábado, nos dias 11, 18 e 25 de janeiro e 1 de fevereiro de 2020, das 10h às 18h

Local: Serviço de Microbiologia, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra, Pólo I

Para mais informações, deverá consultar o site: