/ Education / Postgraduate Courses

Training Course in Active and Healthy Ageing - Guidelines for Better Management in Health and Disease

Course Coordinator(s)

Professor Anabela Mota Pinto, MD; PhD.

Email: apinto@fmed.uc.pt

Professor Manuel Teixeira Veríssimo, MD; PhD.

Email: mverissimo@fmed.uc.pt

Doutor João José Oliveira Malva, PhD.

Email: jomalva@fmed.uc.pt

Duration of the course: 1 month
School fees 100,00€
Regime de Funcionamento Ensino a Distância | e-learning
More information https://apps.uc.pt/courses/en/course/5521

General Objectives of the Course
The students should achieve several goals: 1 - know how to discuss epidemiology, biology and pathophysiology of aging; the importance of immunoinflammatory response of the elderly. 2 - be able to discuss adherence to treatment plans, know what polymedication is; how to increase the participation in functional independence and promote actions to prevent falls and their consequences; prevent fragility and physical and cognitive decline, optimize skills in communication between integrated clinical services, carers and health professionals; provide training, information and technology transfer for patients/users; realize that friendly spaces to old people are a key resource to promote activity and wellness, promote active life during aging and to improve and maintain their self-management skills; know that nutrition is a cornerstone in the prevention of chronic diseases and functional decline and fragility. 3 - students will gain knowledge to treat elderly patients with mobility disability, cognitive deficit/dementia, bedridden, chronic diseases, pain, malnutrition, sleep disturbance, constipation.

Admission Requirements
General population, namely elderly caregivers, with preference to professionals in healthcare.
Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills
The student should acquire skills in: 1 - Aging theories knowledge, the immunoinflammatory markers favouring and modulating the chronic pathologies in the elderly. 2 - The ability to interfere in the adherence to treatment plans; increase the participation of patients in their functional independence and promote actions to prevent falls and their consequences; act on the prevention of frailty, physical and cognitive decline; optimize media among health professionals and integrated clinical services; carers and provide training, information and technology transfer for patients/users; promote active life during aging and to improve and maintain the self-management skills, ability to advise healthy eating habits. 3 - promote good practice in the treatment of elderly patients with mobility disability, cognitive deficit/dementia, bedridden, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, pain, malnutrition, sleep disturbance, constipation.

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