About us

Office for Advanced Studies

Mission and Goals

The Office for Advanced Studies of the the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra has the mission to organize and coordinate non-integrated second cycle courses (advanced specialization master degrees), third cycle courses (doctorates), post-doctoral programs and other postgraduate courses. It articulates teaching and research activities.

The Office for Advanced Studies is also responsible for foreign degree and diploma recognition processes and can be reached for this purpose through the following email: reconhecimentos@fmed.uc.pt.

Endowed with a dedicated and motivated team, the Office for Higher Education aims to ensure the highest quality standards in postgraduate teaching at FMUC.


  • Enhancing and extending existing partnerships for postgraduate training;
  • Boosting and coordinating the offer of postgraduate courses;
  • Promoting the necessary articulation between teaching and research structures at and outside FMUC;
  • Promote internationalization of postgraduate courses at FMUC.

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra has a diverse and dynamic Postgraduate education, which prepares and trains highly specialized and qualified professionals, being proudly able to respond to the most ambitious health challenges.

In this page you will find information about the postgraduate courses currently offered by FMUC.




António Jorge Correia Gouveia Ferreira

Director of Office for Advanced Studies

João Paulo Santos Tondela


Teresa Maria Fonseca Oliveira Gonçalves




Graça Maria Cunha Lucas


Nuno Luís Guina Garcia


Susana Margarida Ventura da Costa