/ Education / Postgraduate Courses

Master`s degree in Geriatrics

Course Coordinator

Profª. Doutora Anabela Mota Pinto

Profª. Doutora Maria Isabel Jacinto Santana

Duration 4 semestres
Nº Vagas 20
ECTS 120
School fees: 1.063,47€ (7.000,00€ international student)

Gestão Académica | Estudos Pós-Graduados da FMUC

Telefone: + 351 239 857 720

e-mail: posgraduado@fmed.uc.pt

Gabinete de Estudos Avançados

Telefone: +351 239 857 729

e-mail: gea@fmed.uc.pt

More information:


Study Programme

The work developed by a student during one academic year, according to the indicative plan of the course and on a full time basis, totals 60 ECTS.

General Objectives of the Course
- The Master in Geriatrics has as its general objectives to prepare and train Doctors and Dentists to:
- Recognise the various types of diseases that preferentially affect the elderly;
globally evaluate the problems of the elderly and not just physical illness;
- Know the ways that enable healthy aging;
- Propose attitudes and preventive behaviors regarding the disease and well-being of the elderly;
- Making the differential diagnosis between what is pathology and what is physiological aging;
- Adjusting therapies based on age;
- Design and organise protection strategies for the elderly;
- To sensitise other healthcare professionals and the general public to the need for attention regarding the problems associated with an aging population;
- To propose research projects that aim to contribute to the development of Geriatrics;
- In short, to contribute to older people having a better quality of life.

Admission Requirements
- Students holding a graduate degree, master or legal equivalent in Medicine or Dentistry.
- Students holding a 1st cycle graduate degree structured according to the principles stipulated in the Bologna process, obtained in a country that has signed the Bologna Declaration.
- Students holding a foreign graduate degree, which meets the standards, as set by the relevant scientific body of the higher education school in which they want to enrol.
- Students with an educational, scientific or professional curriculum, attesting to their capacity to complete this study cycle, as set by the relevant scientific body of the higher education school in which they want to enrol.
- Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Professional Goals
The Master’s degree intends to create the conditions to provide a broad and flexible spectrum of training activities in specific research areas of Geriatrics, which should improve the quality of professionals and of scientific research.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills
- In the Practical Education classes will practice either in laboratory or from patients, still wants to healthy people,
the practical application of all the subjects taught in the lectures.
- Students will have the opportunity to acquire knowledge in practical areas of geriatrics field evaluation such as: Nutritional, Physical, Mental, Performance, Clinical Pictures.
The total number of practical classes will be scheduled for each discipline according to the number of ECTS assigned.

Condições de acesso
1. Podem candidatar-se ao acesso ao ciclo de estudos conducente ao grau de mestre em Geriatria:
a) Titular de licenciatura ou mestrado integrado (ou equivalente legal), em Medicina ou Medicina Dentária.
b) Titulares de um grau académico superior estrangeiro conferido na sequência de um 1.o ciclo de estudos organizado de acordo com os princípios do Processo de Bolonha por um Estado aderente a este Processo;


1ª fase – Does not open applications

2ª fase – 3 de junho a 15 de julho de 2024

3ª fase – 2 a 13 de setembro de 2024



Teaching team

Henriqueta Silva (FMUC), Helena Sá (FMUC), Anabela Mota Pinto (FMUC), António Jorge Ferreira (FMUC), (FMUC), Manuel Teixeira Veríssimo (FMUC), João Páscoa Pinheiro (FMUC), Carlos Fontes Ribeiro (FMUC), Guilherme Tralhão (FMUC), Lino Gonçalves (FMUC), Carlos Robalo Cordeiro (FMUC), Leonor Gomes (FMUC), Lelita Conceição Santos (FMUC), José António Pereira da Silva (FMUC), Ricardo Vieira (FMUC), Rui Manuel Alves (FMUC), Arnaldo Figueiredo (FMUC), Margarida Dias (FMUC), António Eva Miguéis (FMUC), Rui Proença (FMUC), Pedro Narra Figueiredo (FMUC), Isabel Santana (FMUC), Joaquim Cerejeira (FMUC), José Pedro Figueiredo (FMUC), Ana Bela Sarmento (FMUC), Ana Cristina Rego(FMUC), Raul Martins (FCDEFC), António Bernardes (FMUC), Helena Amaro da Luz (FPCEUC), António Jorge Ferreira (FMUC), Joana Mendes Guerra (FPCEUC), Natália António (FMUC), Ricardo Leão (FMUC)

FMUC – Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra, FCDEFC – Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de Coimbra, FPCEUC – Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra


Subunidade 3 do Pólo III, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra

Sextas-Feiras das 14:30 às 17:30 horas e Sábados das 09:30 às 12:30 Horas.