/ Education / Postgraduate Courses

Master’s Degree in Occupational Health

Course Coordinator

Professor António Jorge Correia Gouveia Ferreira, MD; PhD.

Email: aferreira@fmed.uc.pt

Duration 4 semesters
Nº Vagas 20
ECTS 120
Anual fee 1.300,00€ (7.000,00€ international student)

Gestão Académica | Estudos Pós-Graduados da FMUC

Telefone: + 351 239 857 720

e-mail: posgraduado@fmed.uc.pt

Gabinete de Estudos Avançados

Telefone: +351 239 857 729

e-mail: gea@fmed.uc.pt

More information:


Study Programme

Notas importantes:

- A conclusão com aproveitamento das unidades curriculares dos dois primeiros semestres, correspondentes a 60 ECTS, confere diploma de estudos pós-graduados em Saúde Ocupacional, independentemente da área científica de proveniência dos candidatos.

- Os 60 ECTS dos dois primeiros semestres completos, com uma carga horária de contacto ≥ 12 horas por semana, são lecionados em comum com o Curso de Pós-Graduação em Medicina do Trabalho, com idoneidade formativa reconhecida pela Ordem dos Médicos como habilitação adequada para a obtenção da formação teórica específica preconizada no programa de formação específica da Especialidade de Medicina do Trabalho, criado pela Portaria n.º 307/2012 publicada no Diário da República, 1.ª série — N.º 194 — 8 de outubro de 2012, de acordo com as alíneas 3.3 e 5.2 do respetivo anexo

General Objectives of the Course
This cycle of studies has, as main general objectives, to promote the acquisition of specialized scientific and technical training in the different areas of Occupational Health, providing the students (with distinct previous specific backgrounds) with a high common academic reference and allowing their differentiation and qualification for future interventions of technical and scientific nature in this field, namely integrating multidisciplinary teams and acquiring knowledge, methodologies and strategies that allow them to solve problems in real occupational settings.
These objectives are common to the National Health Plan, National Occupational Health Plan and National Strategy for Occupational Health and Safety, promoting the value of health and quality of life at work, supporting the identification and control of the main occupational risks and stimulating the development of safe and healthy work environments.

Admission Requirements
a) Students holding a graduate degree, master or legal equivalent in Medicine, Dentistry, Health Sciences, Nursing, Psychology, Engineering, Health Technologies, Ergonomics, Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Safety. Exceptionally, after consideration by the scientific body of the higher education school, candidates from other areas may be admitted.
b) Students holding a 1st cycle graduate degree structured according to the principles stipulated in the Bologna process, obtained in a country that signed the Bologna Declaration.
c) Students holding a foreign graduate degree, which meets the standards, as set by the relevant scientific body of the higher education school in which they want to enrol.
d) Students with an educational, scientific or professional curriculum, attesting to their capacity to complete this study cycle, as set by the relevant scientific body of the higher education school in which they want to enrol.
Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.

Professional Goals
The holders of the Masters in Occupational Health have a solid training in the area of Health, Hygiene and Safety at Work, which enables them to quickly integrate specialised activities in this field, as well as integrate multidisciplinary teams in different sectors of work. Depending on the previous background (Health, Engineering, Occupational Safety, Psychology, Ergonomics, Technologies) they are able to perform better in the diverse aspects of Occupational Health. They may also develop and/or integrate research projects or pursue an academic pathway in the area of teaching, as well as present future applications for doctoral programs.

Learning Objectives and Intended Skills
- Acquire a comprehensive scientific knowledge in multiple areas of Occupational Health (applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Ergonomics and Physiology, Toxicology, Occupational Pathology, Occupational Health and Safety, Legislation, Occupational Psychology, Environmental Engineering, Organizational and Administrative aspects);
- Identify and prioritize the main risk factors in the occupational environment and propose and implement strategies, projects and programs for their elimination or significant reduction;
- To disseminate and promote high quality scientific knowledge in this area;
- Understand and interpret correctly the European and national legislation;
- Understand the role and attributions of the various Institutions with responsibilities in the area of Occupational Health;
- Develop skills and competences for teaching and training in Occupational Health;
- To carry out and / or collaborate in research projects of national or international scope in the area of Occupational Health, contributing to its development at the highest level.


1ª fase – 1 de março a 1 de abril de 2024

2ª fase – 3 de junho a 15 de julho de 2024

3ª fase – Does not open applications




Prof. Doutora Ana Maria Pego Todo-Bom Ferreira da Costa (FMUC), Doutora Ana Telma Pereira (FMUC), Prof. Doutora Anabela Mota Pinto (FMUC), Prof. Doutor António Macedo (FMUC), Prof. Doutor António Jorge Correia de Gouveia Ferreira (FMUC), Prof.ª Doutora Bárbara Cecília Bessa dos Santos Oliveiros Paiva (FMUC), Prof. Doutor Carlos Alberto Fontes Ribeiro (FMUC), Prof. Doutor Duarte Nuno Pessoa Vieira (FMUC), Prof. Doutora Helena Maria Sousa Ferreira Teixeira (FMUC), Prof. Doutor João José Carreiro Pascoa Pinheiro (FMUC), Prof. Doutor José Paulo Achando Silva Moura (FMUC), Prof. Doutora Maria Filomena Rabaça Roque Botelho (FMUC), Prof.ª Doutora Maria Margarida Martins Gonçalo (FMUC), Prof. Doutor Nélson Bruno Martins Marques da Costa (UM), Prof. Doutor Paulo Jorge Coimbra Martins (FMUC), Prof. Doutor Ricardo José David Costa Vieira (FMUC), Prof. Doutor Rui Daniel Mateus Barreiros Proença (FMUC), Prof. Doutor Victor José Lopes Rodrigues. (FMUC)


Subunidade 3 do Pólo III, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra, às 2ªs e 4ªs feiras, das 14:00 horas às 20:00horas