/ Who we are

Area – Oncobiology - Group - Cell Signalling, Epidemiology, Clinic and Cancer Therapy

Ana Bela Sarmento Ribeiro
Group Leader
Artur Paiva
Core CV
Célia Gomes
Core CV
Margarida Gonçalo
Core CV


This multidisciplinary group includes medical doctors with clinical, research and teaching activity and researchers from other areas such as biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology and pharmacy.

The main goals of this research group are the characterization of cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in cancer, drug sensitivity and resistance, in order to identify new prognostic and drug response markers and targets for therapies. We are particularly interested in the characterization of Cancer Stem Cells and immune system, in the identification of molecular markers related to cell signalling pathways (proliferative/survival and apoptotic), oxidative stress and mitochondria dysfunction, microRNAs and epigenetic/genetic modulation and the role of these processes in cancer susceptibility, diagnosis, prognosis and sensitivity/resistance to therapy. We also analysed the efficacy of new molecular targeted therapies, alone or in combination with other new drugs and/or conventional anticarcinogenic agents, identifying which of them will improve patient outcomes.

Finally, we also indented to correlate the results with patient’s clinical features, including transition to a more aggressive disease, survival and prognostic risk factors. On the other hand, by studying their interference with multidrug resistance mechanisms, we expect to be able to contribute to a better selection of molecular targeted therapeutic options.

Integrated Members


PhD Students