Congratulations! This year, we celebrate our 19th anniversary!

24 january, 2023≈ 2 min read

Congratulations! This year, we celebrate our 19th anniversary!

We are a multidisciplinary institute of the FMUC - Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra and part of the ICBR - Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research.

We promote, develop and disseminate fundamental scientific research, translational research and clinical research in the areas of Environment, Genetics and Cancer.

Currently, we have 136 members and we have 130 ongoing research projects. In the last three years, we have published 596 scientific articles. During this period, our researchers received 62 awards and 158 master's dissertations and 6 doctoral theses were defended, whose work took place at our centre.

Next year 2024, on the 25th and 26th of January, the CIMAGO Congress will take place, in which we will celebrate 20 years! Save the date and we count on everyone's participation to make it a remarkable congress!

Thank you so much for being part of CIMAGO and it’s almost 20 years of history.