UC Women in Science: Daniela Nascimento

The researcher and professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, Daniela Nascimento, is the February guest of the UC Women in Science section.

15 january, 2023≈ 2 min read

She considers "international relations a very broad, varied and interdisciplinary area that crosses many themes", but quickly noticed "the interest in Human Rights and humanitarian issues" that led her along the path of investigation. Today, Daniela Nascimento, associate professor at the International Relations Nucleus of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, maintains her research interests in critical studies for peace, post-conflict reconstruction, human rights, humanitarian action, especially in the African context and East Timor.

She is currently involved in projects that share the characteristic of focusing on the theme of teaching and pedagogy and, explains the researcher, "in the way in which, as teachers, we look at teaching and conceive it with the perspective of having greater quality and greater involvement" with the students.

Thus, she sees teaching "not only as a way of transmitting and passing on knowledge, but also of promoting the development in students of analytical and critical positioning skills and constructive confrontation of ideas". According to Daniela Nascimento, the objective is that "they are aware of the reality around them, so that they can have a more interventional and transforming role in society and so that it can be fairer, equitable and more aware".

Daniela Nascimento holds a PhD in International Politics and Conflict Resolution from the University of Coimbra, a Master's in Human Rights and Democratization from the European Inter-University Center for Human Rights and Democratization in Venice and a degree in International Relations from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Coimbra. She is a researcher at the Center for Social Studies, integrating the Thematic Line Democracy, Justice and Human Rights, and Associate Professor at the International Relations Nucleus of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, where she teaches in the first cycle of International Relations, in the Master in International Relations - Peace, Security and Development Studies and in the Doctoral Program in International Politics and Conflict Resolution.

She was Deputy Director for Post-Graduate Education and Advanced Training at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra between February 20, 2020 and April 13, 2022. She is an elected member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics of the UC and Advisor to the Teaching Council Military Superior within the scope of the Ministry of National Defence.

Her research interests focus on Critical Peace Studies, post-conflict reconstruction, human rights, humanitarian action, especially in the African context and East Timor. She has published books, chapters and articles in these areas in national and foreign scientific journals, as well as participating in several research projects with national and international funding. Currently, he is part of the research teams of three Erasmus+ projects associated with consortia involving several European Universities and all of them focused on themes related to teaching and pedagogy: Integrating Work-Based Learning in Peace and Conflict Studies (IN-COPS), European Network on Teaching Excellence (E-NOTE) and Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education (Calohex).

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