Sociology Day 2022: Dialogues between art and sociology

Diálogos entre arte e sociologia

09 may, 2022≈ 2 min read

Sociology Day 2022: Dialogues between art and sociology

The 2022 edition of Sociology Day will take place on the 10th of May. This initiative, organized by the Sociology Teachers Group of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC) and the Sociology Students Group of the Coimbra Academic Association (AAC), promotes the meeting between teachers and students of the various study cycles, with the aim of promoting conversations, debates and performances that allow thinking and realizing some possible dialogues between art and sociology.

The Welcome Session will take place in the FEUC Auditorium, at 2 pm, and will feature representatives from the FEUC Board of Directors, the Board of the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, the Coordinators of the Sociology Teachers Group and its courses, as well as the Directorate of the AAC Sociology Students Group.

Between 3pm and 5pm, the session “Art and Social Challenges” will also take place in the FEUC Auditorium, with the participation of Mário Vitória, plastic artist, Manuel Soares, PhD student in Sociology and Paula Abreu, specialist in the field of sociology of culture and the arts.

Starting at 6 pm, the launch session of the 9th edition of prisma.soc, newsletter of the Sociologia de Coimbra, will take place at the FEUC Library. The activities end with two musical moments promoted by sociology students at FEUC.