I FEUC Pedagogical Journeys

The 1st FEUC Pedagogical Journeys will take place in the Keynes room on the 3rd of May

25 march, 2023≈ 2 min read

I FEUC Pedagogical Journeys

May 3rd, Keynes Hall


14:15 - Opening Session

Álvaro Garrido, Director of FEUC

14:30 - The social conditions of teaching and learning

Paulo Peixoto, Pro-Rector for Pedagogical Innovation

15:00 - Stress management and mind management techniques in the classroom

Verónica Quítalo, Santander Prize – UC Pedagogical Innovation 2020/2021, Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra.

16:15 - Teaching and learning experiences at FEUC

Representatives of FEUC Students and Coordinators of FEUC Degrees