FEUC launches MIL FOLHAS nº 7, Library Bulletin

14 march, 2023≈ 3 min read

FEUC launches nº 7 of MIL FOLHAS, Library Bulletin

Number 7 of MIL FOLHAS, a four-monthly publication by the Council of the Library of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC), coordinated by Carlos Fortuna, emeritus professor at FEUC, launches on Thursday, March 23, at 17:00 hours, in the space of the FEUC Library.

This Library Bulletin has been reflecting, since its inception, on the importance, as Carlos Fortuna calls it, of a tripartite territory composed of “3Ls”: The Book, Reading and the Place of the Library. No. 7 highlights the digital book and its confrontation with the printed book, based on the text by Manuel Portela, from the Faculty of Letters, an exercise that is complemented by a consultation with the presidents of the student groups, which is duly systematized by Rita Martins, professor at FEUC.

This issue also contains a text presenting the function and resources of the Hemeroteca Municipal de Lisboa, by Fernanda Ruivo and Vanessa Albino, authors who highlight a documentary collection that is distinguished by its antiquity, extension and informative, literary and historical value. . Likewise, Ana Serôdio, librarian at FEUC, opportunely recalls the importance of the year 2022, a milestone in the return to normality, translated into the restoration of free access to the shelves, the end of the quarantine of borrowed books and the resumption of schedules extended. Finally, MIL FOLHAS ends with an analysis of several pedagogical reading suggestions.

In addition to interventions by Carlos Fortuna, newsletter coordinator, and Álvaro Garrido, director of FEUC, the session – which will take place in the library and will also be transmitted online at the link – https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/97532461338 – will also feature interventions by several of the contributors to this issue.

MIL FOLHAS promotes an open reflection on the place of libraries, books and reading.