Young adults and crime: (dis)articulations between Society, Law and Criminal Justice

May 16, 2022, 09h30-17h30

Faculty of Economics - UC + Zoom (mandatory registration)


This international conference will be structured in 4 sessions: a) young offenders: the present and the challenges to law and criminal justice in Portuguese language; b) young offenders, crime and its contexts; c) young offenders, the law and criminal justice: preliminary presentation of results; d) roundtable discussion of results and recommendations.

With in-person and online format, the admission to participate is free. However, for those who wish to participate remotely, it is mandatory to register [HERE]

The Youthresponse project is funded by FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology through national funds. Referência: PTDC/DIR-DCP/29163/2017


9h30 – Opening Session | Coordinator of the project; Director of FEUC and Director of CES
10h – Sessão 1 | Young offenders: the present and the challenges to law and criminal justice in the Portuguese language
Moderator: Patrícia Branco
Speakers: Ana Rita Alfaiate – FDUC e Maria João Leote de Carvalho – CICS/Nova

11h00 – coffee break

11h15– Session 2 | Young offenders: the present and the challenges to law and criminal justice in the Portuguese language
Moderator: Patrícia Branco
Speakers: Elisa Samuel Boerekamp – CFJJ Mozambique and Jacqueline Sinhoretto – UFSCAR Brasil

13h00 – Lunch

14h30 – Session 3 | Young adults, crime and its contexts
Moderator: Luena Marinho
Speakers: Paula Guerra – FLUP, Margarida Gaspar de Matos – FMH/ULisboa, Filipe Santos – CES

15h45 – coffee break

16h00 – João Pedroso (CES/FEUC) – Apresentação dos resultados YOUTHRESPONSE - Jovens adultos imputáveis: direito penal e a resposta judicial

16h30 – Roundtable | Word to Criminal justice professionals
Vânia Magalhães - Juiz de Direito e Secretária Regional Centro da ASJP (ASJP)
Carla Pragosa - Adjunta para a Área do Tratamento Prisional no E.P. Especial Leiria Jovens (DGRSP)
MP – designado pelo SMMP
Advogado - Designado pelo CD da O.A de Coimbra

17h 30 – Closing