Presentation session of «Ideias Vivas – The Economic Debate in Portugal»

February 28th

2:30 pm

Keynes Room at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Coimbra

With the presence of the author, Vítor Manuel Leite Neves, and presentation by Álvaro Garrido (Director of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra) and José Luís Cardoso (Coordinating Researcher of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon).


The history of economic ideas in Portugal after the 25th of April is still largely unexplored territory. This book is a contribution to overcoming that gap. In it, the reader will find a mapping of the process of constitution and development of economic ideas in contemporary Portugal, an identification of the various fields involved, an analysis of the fundamental axes around which the economic debate in the country has been structured.