
Presentation of the study on Participatory Budgeting for Schools in Portugal

November 29, 2022, 3:00 pm (GMT)

Event in digital format


This event will serve to present the main conclusions of the new IIEP-UNESCO case study on participatory school budgets in Portugal.

This study is part of IIEP's ongoing research on "Open Government: Feedback" and looks at how an open government approach is applied in Portugal to encourage student participation in schools.

The work focuses on the experience of participatory budgets in schools adopted in Portugal, since 2017. Participants will discuss the main points and conclusions to be learned from the study.

Link to join the event |


Background | Muriel Poisson, IIPE-UNESCO Program Specialist, Paris

Presentation of the case study | Paulo Peixoto , Study author, CES-UC


Alberto Barreira, Director of the Martim de Freitas School Group

Lurdes Andrino, DGEste | Directorate General for School Establishments | Ministry of Education

student testimonial
