The Opening Session of the Master's Degree in Accounting and Finance will take place on September 16, between 10:00 and 13:00 in the Keynes room of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra.

Full Program

10:00 am – Welcome to new students

Director of FEUC, Álvaro Garrido

10:15 am – Presentation of the Master and its initiatives

MCF coordinators, Susana Jorge and Liliana Pimentel

• Presentation of the new professors in the area of ​​finance – Professors Elvira Bobillo and Carla Fernandes

• PIBE AECA Program – presented by representatives of the AECA (online)

• Cycle of biannual seminars (final assessment at the u.c. Methodology)

• Protocol with PwC (Paula Matos – presentation and recruitment)

11:00 am – Profª Doutora Ana Maria Rodrigues Award – 3rd edition 2020/21

Award-winning author: Paula Sofia Nunes Vaz

Work supervisors: Susana Jorge and Pedro Cerqueira

Award Delivery

Representatives of the Order of Certified Accountants (Dr. Joaquim Barbosa and Dr. Manuel Teixeira – Director) and Edições Almedina (Dr. Ricardo Monteiro – Editorial Manager), FEUC partners in the Award

Presentation of the respective e-book

Professor Sónia Nogueira

President of EsACT, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (author of the preface)

11:30-12:30 – Lecture

Transfer Pricing - General Principles

PricewaterhouseCoopers, represented by André Rafael Rodrigues (Senior Manager, Global Compliance Services and Corporate and International Tax Structuring) and Carolina Pedroso Carvalho (Transfer Pricing Tax Manager)

Commentator: António Martins, Professor of Taxation at FEUC

1:00 pm – Closing

The Master in Accounting and Finance is an advanced training program aimed at developing high professional skills and qualifications in the fields of accounting, business finance and taxation.
