From the 21st to the 23rd of April, “Workshops on personal and social connection to promote academic and emotional well-being” will take place at FEUC.

The On Board project (Integrated tutoring program to prevent dropout and academic failure at the University of Coimbra) aims, among other objectives, to develop processes and programs to promote well-being on the university campus and to train teachers and students with knowledge and tools, whether for implementing pedagogical innovation or for managing anxiety and demotivation, improving essential soft-skills for preserving mental health, gaining focus, resilience and social connection.

From the 21st to the 23rd of April, “Workshops on personal and social connection to promote academic and emotional well-being” will take place at FEUC.

Aimed at students, teachers and technical staff, these workshops aim to design and implement a comprehensive wellness program at the UC. The proposed activities aim to generate moments that generate empathy and connection, capable of contributing to the development of emotional intelligence. The program aims at training recipients in anxiety control processes (namely through breathing exercises), self-awareness, mind training for a state of attention and focus, and social connection exercises. The workshops taking place at FEUC complement the technological dimension of the ON-BOARD project, focusing on the perspective of building personal ties between people in the UC community (with particular focus on new students), as well as on the acquisition of essential soft-skills for promotion and consolidation of well-being, thus providing a contribution to the prevention of emotional states that foster inclusion, well-being and success.