Com o NextGenerationEU, estamos prontos para tornar a Europa mais digital. Quer juntar-se a nós?

On May 4th, at 2 pm, the NEXT GENERATION YOU! A more digital Europe: What challenges? What opportunities?, will take place at the Keynes room of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra.

The initiative is part of a cycle of workshops and conferences that aims to bring together the contributions of young Europeans to the Conference on the Future of Europe.

All partner universities organize, until May, a Conference on a specific theme and the project includes the submission of position papers by groups of students from the universities of Minho, Aveiro, Beira Interior, Coimbra, Évora, and Lisbon (ISCSP).

The Next Generation: YOU! results from the association of six Portuguese universities – Lisbon, Minho, Beira Interior, Aveiro, Coimbra and Évora – with the aim of gathering contributions from young Portuguese university students that reflect their vision and expectations about the evolution of the European Union. With the support of the European Commission Representation, the best contributions will be presented to the Conference on the Future of Europe and in future initiatives promoted by the European institutions.

Each participating university holds a conference on one of the great challenges for the European Union: a stronger, more cohesive, healthier, greener, more digital and more inclusive Europe. Around these, workshops are developed, where positions and recommendations are discussed and formulated by the young participants in this initiative. Students will participate in a competition for written positions on the topics of the conferences. The 30 finalists will be invited by the European Commission to visit Brussels, where they will be able to debate these and other topics with those who follow and decide on them in the European institutions.

The objective of this initiative is to contribute to a balanced reflection and analysis of the European Union's performance in different areas and to launch clues about the challenges it will face in the future, promoting an informed and comprehensive view on these matters by the young people of our country. These points will act as a starting point for debates at national and international level which, in turn, form the basis for political proposals that will be translated into concrete actions by the European Union.

More information on the dedicated page here.