Seminar | DIJUS - Interdisciplinary dialogues on law and justice

Neoliberalism and disenfranchisement in an authoritarian context

January 27, 2023, 4:00 pm

Sala Keynes, Faculty of Economics at UC+ Online

Moderation: António Casimiro Ferreira (FEUC/CES) | Comment: João Pedroso (FEUC/CES)


The activity will address, from the point of view of legal sociology, neoliberalism and its relationship with authoritarianism. The neoliberal experience that began in Chile, during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, developed and became a new rationale. Special attention will be given to the development of neoliberalism and fiscal austerity policy in Brazil, from the 1988 constitution to the present day.

Topics that will be covered:

Neoliberalism and withdrawal of rights in an authoritarian context. History of neoliberal economics. Birth in authoritarian Chile. Neoliberal development associated with the withdrawal of rights. Fiscal austerity for whom? Neoliberalism in Brazil. The 2016 coup and the deepening of authoritarian neoliberalism. The rise of the extreme right. Pandemic, neoliberalism and inequality. The government against society in Brazil.

biographical note

Alexandre Bernardino Costa, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Brasília - UnB, where he works in teaching, research and extension, at undergraduate and graduate levels - master's and doctorate. He is also a professor at the Graduate Program in Human Rights and Citizenship-PPGDH / UnB, founding member of the Institute for Research in Rights and Social Movements and editor-in-chief of the magazine Insurgência. He did a postdoctoral internship at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ and is a member of the Nucleus of Studies for Peace and Human Rights at the University of Brasília, where he teaches classes in the disciplines of Law Found on the Street and Methods of Research Techniques in the Master's Degree in Human Rights. He is co-coordinator of the research group "O Direito Achado na Rua" and is a member of other research groups in Brazil

Activity within the framework of the doctorate "Sociology of the State, Law, and Justice" (CES/FEUC).

[Free but mandatory registration]