On March 14, at 9 am (Lisbon time), a seminar will be held in the Keynes room within the scope of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence.

Alexis Berg-Rodríguez, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Law and Political Science Studies, Open University Catalunia (Spain), is the guest speaker at this “Jean Monnet Lecture” where he will address the topic “An analysis of EU-Cuba relations from a common European diplomacy perspective”.

The Seminar is organized in collaboration with the Center for International Relations of FEUC (Introduction to Diplomacy).

Alexis Berg-Rodríguez Doctor en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración y las Relaciones Internacionales. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2018. Investigador visitante en el Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales en Madrid, y Profesor – Investigador en la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, España

The Jean Monnet Center of Excellence is one of the Jean Monnet Programs created by the European Commission and aimed at promoting the promotion of higher education and high-level scientific research in the field of European integration anywhere in the world. Among the Jean Monnet Programs, it is the most demanding and, therefore, the most difficult to obtain. It is awarded by public tender of worldwide scope. It is awarded to a University as a whole, although the application may be submitted by one or more Faculties or by one or more holders of a Jean Monnet Chair. As a result of this level of demand, the Center of Excellence is only awarded to Universities of proven merit in terms of European integration and which, in their application, demonstrate that they have the capacity and conditions, namely in terms of human and scientific resources, to merit this distinction. In its attribution, the multidisciplinary character of the Center is privileged.

The University of Coimbra Center of Excellence was awarded through an application under the general theme PRONE - Peace Relations, Ontologies and Narratives in Europe: EU and its Eastern Neighbors, presented by its Faculty of Economics and having as its Academic Coordinator the Professor Maria Raquel Freire, Full Professor at FEUC and holder of a Jean Monnet Chair. The Center of Excellence will also involve Professors from the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra.