Photographic Exhibition | (mis)meetings | Rita de Almeida

Inauguration, September 12, 6pm, FEUC entrance hall

We Brazilians are a people in being and prevented from being. A mestizo people in flesh and spirit. That's how we were made and we still continue to make ourselves. We are a new people in the struggle to make ourselves a human race that never existed before. A difficult and painful task, but also beautiful and challenging.

What we are is a late, tropical Rome that has asserted itself for its population size, and now seeks to recognize itself also for its artistic and cultural creativity.

We are building ourselves in the struggle to flourish as a new civilization, mixed and tropical, proud of itself. More joyful, because more suffering. More complete, because it is composed of many humanities. More generous, because it is open to the coexistence of races and cultures, located in the most beautiful and luminous province on Earth.

Adapted from Darcy Ribeiro, The Brazilian People: the formation and meaning of Brazil

Rita de Almeida

I am Brazilian, in the purest mestizaje: of indigenous origin for the most part, granddaughter of a German womb, a distant black love story and, by the last name, Portuguese for sure.

Journalist for the eternal desire to discover. Specialist in cultural heritage in attention to circulating memories, master in Water Resources for water to exist in the right measure, and doctoral student in Territory, Risk and Public Policies in the commitment of a healthy planet for future generations.

And the photograph? An old passion of admiring the world with charm and joy, because “life is beautiful, it is beautiful and it is beautiful!”

Oh! My Brazil!