Decorre no dia 23 de novembro às 14h as sessões Business Services in Portugal – Key attractiveness factors com Philoméne Dias e GBS for Multinational Organizations com Gonçalo Pimentel no âmbito da unidade curricular Estratégia em Negócios Internacionais, do Mestrado em Gestão.

Philoméne Dias

Philomène has a degree in Economics and Management (Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble, France), a Master in Innovation Management (Université Lumière Lyon 2, France) and an Executive MBA in Business Administration (University of Porto – Business School). She worked as project manager at ANI – Portuguese Innovation Agency for 7 years. Joined AICEP in 2003, starting as an Investment Manager in the Lead Generation Department. She then worked as Key Account Manager in the Aftercare Department for 8 years, dealing with EU-funded investment projects and supporting local business to expand or find new business opportunities.

Gonçalo Pimentel (CFO da Airbus)

Portuguese who has worked and lived in 7 different countries across 3 continents.

Graduated in Physics Eng. from Uni Aveiro and MBA from Porto Business School

Over 10 years of experience leading Strategic innovation and Organization transformation experience from Finance, Sales to M&A.