The DeCodeM project developed the first comprehensive study on media and masculinities in Portugal.

Final Colloquium of the DeCodeM project

DeCodeM | (De)Coding Masculinities: Towards an enhanced understanding of media’s role in shaping perceptions of masculinities in Portugal

November 30, 2022, 09h15-16h30 (GMT)

Online event


This colloquium aims to present the main results of the DeCodeM project, which took place at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra between October 2019 and September 2022, with funding from FCT(ref.ª PTDC/COM-CSS/31740/2017)

The DeCodeM project developed the first comprehensive study on media and masculinities in Portugal. The project identified and critically analyzed, through an intersectional approach, the representations of masculinities that are (re)produced by media and online social networks in Portugal, exploring the reasons behind the construction of certain gender representations, seeking to understand why certain notions of masculinity prevail in these representations, analyzing how these representations are appropriated or contested by audiences and content producers, and examining whether or not they promote an egalitarian and non-violent perspective of social gender relations. From a feminist lens and with an epistemological approach anchored on the centrality of discourses combined with a tripartite approach to media "agency" (production, message, audience) and an ecological approach to discourses, practices and media representations, DeCodeM addressed the complexity, non-linearity and heterogeneity of representations and attitudes towards masculinities and gender relations in the media sphere in Portugal, with a strong action-research component.


This activity will be provided through Zoom platform and does not require registration. Participation is limited to the number of places available >> | ID: 874 0220 2987 | Password: 987570
