Ciclopedaleiros: educational processes arising from the structuring of a solidarity economy enterprise

Andreia Cordeiro Mecca

Luiz Gonçalves Junior

April 13, 2022, 16h00 (GMT+1)

Online event

Comments: Pedro Hespanha (ECOSOL-CES)


The implementation and consolidation of the neoliberal economic model had as consequences the marked precariousness of work in Brazil and the increase in inequalities. The large number of people living in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability and the search to overcome this situation has led to the emergence of alternatives to income generation. These alternatives promoted exploitative practices such as the uberization of work, but also contributed to boost other economies. The Solidarity Economy enterprise CicloPedaleiros seeks, by making cycle deliveries, to enable income generation for adults who are on the margins of the labour market, subject to unemployment and informality. The present research aims to identify and understand the educational processes arising from the social practice of cycle delivery based on the actions of the aforementioned enterprise. As methodology we used participant research, systematization of observations through field diaries and analysis based on phenomenology. From the analysis, three thematic categories emerged: A) "I went up to the front to talk, I said, I'm from the CicloPedaleiros, a solidarity economy enterprise"; B) "It's good to use the helmet, you see, at a time like this it saves"; and C) "Precarisation is the word of the year".

Bio notes

Andreia Cordeiro Mecca holds a degree in Social Sciences from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2010) and a Master in Social Sciences from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2014). PhD in progress at the Federal University of São Carlos (2018-2022) with a doctoral internship at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra in Portugal (CES-UC/ 2021-2022). During the years 2012, 2013 and 2018 she taught in the public education network and with social projects. From 2014 to 2017, she worked as coordinator and researcher with the Núcleo Multidisciplicar e Integrado de Estudos, Formação e Intervenção em Economia Solidaria (NuMI- Ecosol), where she assisted the constitution, development and consolidation of economic and solidarity enterprises in the city of São Carlos. From 2018 to 2019 she acted as coordinator of the outreach project "Pedal Solidário" (partnership between Numi-Ecosol and the Project Vivências em Atividades Diversificadas de Lazer of the Department of Physical Education and Human Motricity of UFSCar). Currently she is a researcher/collaborator of the Society Qualitative Research in Human Motricity and the Centre for Phenomenological Studies in Physical Education, NEFEF. She has professional experience in Solidarity Economy, Popular Education, Political Science and Sociology.

Luiz Gonçalves Junior has a degree in Physical Education from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP-RC), 1989; Master in Education from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP), 1993; PhD in Social Sciences from PUC/SP, 1998; Post-Doctorate in Social Sciences from Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (ICS/UL), 2003. Full Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Human Motricity and the Postgraduate Programme in Education at the Federal University of São Carlos (DEFMH-PPGE/UFSCar); Associate Editor of the Journal Motricidades (ISSN 2594-6463). Founding Partner, Researcher and current Scientific Director of the Society for Qualitative Research in Human Motricity (SPQMH); Founding Partner of the Brazilian Association of Research and Graduate Studies in Leisure (ANPEL); Coordinator of the Centre for Studies of Phenomenology in Physical Education (NEFEF); Coordinator of the Joel Martins Chair. He was Coordinator and Vice-Coordinator of the Courses of Licentiate in Physical Education and of Bachelor in Physical Education; He was Head and Vice-Head of DEFMH; He served as Guest Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, Portugal (CES/UC), 1-2016; of the Facultad de Educación Física y Deportes of the Universidad de Quindío, Armenia, Colombia (FEFD/UniQuindío), 2-2016; of the Faculdade de Motricidade Humana of the Instituto Piaget, Almada, Portugal, (FMH/IP), 2-2002 and 1-2003. Develops research in the lines Social Practices and Educational Processes and Sociocultural Studies of Leisure, in interface with Environmental Education, Solidarity Economy, Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations and Music Education, having presented and published articles in journals and/or scientific events in Brazil, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Austria, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Scotland, Spain, United States, Finland, Mozambique, Paraguay, Portugal and Venezuela. He coordinates the communitarian outreach Project of Environmental Education and Leisure (PEDAL), in partnership with the São-carlense Cycling Association (ASC) and, Experiences in Diversified Leisure Activities.

Activity within ECOSOL-CES