Lecture series

European Social Policies

Degrees: Sociology, International Relations, Economics

Coordinator: Silvia Ferreira

Open Sessions/Hybrid Regime

Gonçalves da Silva Room, FEUC

Or Zoom:

Tuesdays https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/87089706302?pwd=alZrUFpQa1FYQjJHVzFvbTdTQVFVdz09

Meeting ID: 870 8970 6302

Access password: 213032

Wednesdays https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/84879260971?pwd=dlhONENUSHpNY1E1d2dMa1lrNTJYZz09

Meeting ID: 848 7926 0971

Access password: 556618


This series of lectures, within the scope of the European Social Policies curricular unit, aims to discuss a set of current issues that are a recognized challenge for Welfare States and Social Policies. In each session, invited experts help us to think about these challenges, from the angles of analysis deriving from their research work.


Crises, social (un)protection and public policies: a look at the Portuguese case

Jorge Caleiras (Social Security Institute; CIES-ISCTE)

29/Mar, 11.00-13.00

Fight against poverty and social exclusion

Pedro Hespanha (Social Studies Center)

30, Mar, 11.30-13.30

Migrations and citizenship

Pedro Góis (FEUC; CES)

5, Apr, 11.00-13.00

Equality between women and men

Lina Coelho (FEUC; CES)

6, Apr, 11.30-13.30

People with Disabilities, Dependency and Independent Living

Fernando Fontes (Center for Social Studies)

19, Apr, 11.00-13.00

Climate change and vulnerability

José Manuel Mendes (FEUC; CES)

20, Apr, 11.30-13.30

The impacts of artificial intelligence on human rights

Ana Cláudia Albergaria (Institute of Sociology/FLUP))

26, Apr, 11.00-13.00