The Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC) will host, on the 8th of February 2023, at 2:15 pm, in its auditorium, an interactive lecture aimed at developing the technique of improvisation as a soft-skill.

This is an initiative organized by the FEUC Employability and Business Office, in partnership with the Regional Delegation of the Center and Alentejo of the Order of Economists, which will be promoted by the professional group “Os improváveis”, specialized in Improvised Theater (https:/ /

The event is aimed at the entire FEUC community and consists of socializing and sharing fundamentals and improvisation techniques, which can be very useful to students from the various areas of knowledge at FEUC. Participants are invited to carry out several practical exercises aimed at developing individual skills to deal positively and constructively with the unforeseen, essential skills in the current business context and indispensable in the training of future professionals.

Each interested party must register in advance via the link, starting January 23rd. Enrollment is limited to 100 participants, selection being made in order of enrollment. All participants receive a certificate.