On the 27th of April, at FEUC, the launch of the book “Red Line: The Ukrainian War and International Relations in the 21st Century” by Felipe Loureiro takes place.

The session, which takes place at Amphitheater 3.2, at 5.30 pm, is moderated by Licínia Simão, with the participation of Felipe Loureiro, Sandra Dias Fernandes, Sónia Sénica and Maria Raquel Freire.

Information about the book “Red Line: The Ukrainian War and International Relations in the 21st Century”

This book brings together analyzes by Brazilian and foreign researchers on the war started by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022, discussing the causes and nature of the conflict, in addition to its impacts on international relations in the 21st century. From multiple theoretical perspectives, the work reflects on diverse themes, including the reasons that led Russia to invade Ukraine, the characteristics of military operations in the conflict, the humanitarian effects of war, and the issue of international criminal accountability of actors involved. The work also has a set of chapters focused on the position of countries in the Global South in the face of the Russian invasion, in addition to an entire part dedicated to the long-term perspectives opened up by the conflict in the international system, with emphasis on the areas of international security, international political economy and China-US and Russia-US relations.


Felipe Loureiro is a historian and associate professor at the Institute of International Relations at the University of São Paulo (IRI-USP). He was a visiting researcher at Brown (2017) and George Washington (2018) universities in the United States. He is coordinator of the Observatory of Democracy in the World (Odec), at USP, and researcher at the Laboratory for Studies on Brazil and the Global System (LabMundi-USP) and at the National Institute of Science and Technology for Studies on the United States (INCT-Ineu ). He published, among others, The Alliance for Progress and the João Goulart Government (Unesp, 2020).