/ PhD Degree Courses


Qualification Awarded: PhD

Mode of Study: Full-time attendance, presence required in daytime schedule.

Language: EN

Main scientific area: Economics

Duration: 4 Year(s)

ECTS Credits: 240

Accreditations: A3ES | 2020-07-31 A 2026-07-30

Anual Fee: 2750 €


The Doctoral Programme in Economics aims to provide advanced training in economic analysis. Doctorates in Economics are expected to be able to perform highly demanding tasks in relation to specialised knowledge in the fields of micro and macroeconomics. Thus, we seek to respond to the demand of highly qualified personnel in private business organisations, in public administration, and in fundamental and applied research in Economics at universities and research centers. The Programme is taught by professors who advise students in the choice of their dissertation’s topic and guide them during research.

Since 2009/2010, the doctoral programme has been offered in co-operation with the School of Economics and Management at University of Minho. The two schools together have more than 60 researchers working in a large spectrum of areas of Economics. At the University of Coimbra, the research activities are undertaken at the Center for Business and Economics Research (CeBER-UC). At the University of Minho (U Minho), scientific research is developed within the framework of the Economic Policy Research Unit (NIPE-UM). Both research units were awarded a grade of Very Good in the last evaluation by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).


Ana Sofia Monteiro

O doutoramento em Economia proporcionou-me uma experiência extremamente gratificante. Neste programa, tive a oportunidade de desenvolver conhecimentos e competências técnicas nas áreas de economia e finanças. Pude ainda aprender e trabalhar com docentes e investigadores conceituados, bem como integrar um ambiente de investigação altamente estimulante e dinâmico.

Em suma, creio que o doutoramento em Economia foi uma experiência profundamente enriquecedora, constituindo uma base sólida para prosseguir a minha carreira académica.

Derick Almeida

The PhD in Economics at FEUC has given me important theoretical and empirical analytical tools to further understand how modern economies organize their production and how this process evolves over time. In a world of accelerating technological change, these tools are of fundamental importance to me, as a researcher, in modeling and interpreting modern economic phenomena such as the rise of robotic automation and the complicated interactions among innovation, labor demand and the market for goods and services.

Parisa Ghasemi

I had the privilege of participating in the Doctoral course in Economics and, I was honored to be in classes with professors who enabled me to broaden my horizon and augmented my economic knowledge.

I firmly believe that my educational matters could not be completed without pursuing my PhD at Coimbra university. In my experience, Coimbra university offers a friendly, respectful, and non-discriminatory environment that is accompanied by expert and concerned professors.