/ Services


@ Professors | Researchers | Staff | Services.

@ Students**
the e-mail address (Ex: ucnºofstudent@student.uc.pt ) is assigned at the time of registration.

Activation is required before first use to obtain the PASSWORD.

Keep your account operational, it will give you access to services such as: E-mail | Eduroam (wireless network) | Registration (exams, ...) | ...

Recover email password


Source: SGSIIC

WebMail Authentication | Personal Profile | Apps

» Professors and Staff
Email: user@fe.uc.pt
Password: chosen by user

» Students
Email: ucnºofstudents@student.uc.pt
Password: chosen by user

♦ Email Account Management | Available operations
— Personal profile
— WebMail
— Change password
— Create alterantive address
— Forward mail
— Absence notification
— SPAM Control
— Viewing Account Attributes
— ...

Email (getting new PASSWORD)
**present the Student Card or Enrollment Certificate.
For security reasons, passwords are not given by email, phone or to third parties.