/ Research Projects / MediMARE

MediMARE Game - Damaged Cargo

MediMARE GAMES are a series of games related to the project's main issues in order to promote the knowledge and reflection about maritime disputes and mediation.

Damaged Cargo

In this game,the player will be able to think about a cargo damaged situation.

When damage is caused to the cargo that was in a container, it is important to define legal liability for loss or damage to goods between all transport members in a Combined Transport or Through Transport Operation. Sometimes it is hard to define when the damage happened since the container is closed during the transportation.

According to the UNCITRAL Mediation Rules 2021, article 4, n. 3 letter c, “ The Parties, or the mediator with the consent of the parties, may appoint experts”. It would be an expert, not acting as a judicial expert (since this is not a judicial procedure, but would produce evidence in the same manner.

The Parties will choose the mediator from the UNCITRAL List of mediators. They talk among themselves and decide what is the profile of the mediator they want.

What would you prefer?