/ Research Projects


EU-ADAPT: Adaptation of rights in rem in cross-border succession within EU

The project “EU-ADAPT: Adaptation of Rights in rem in Cross-Border Succession within EU” has an estimated duration of 24 months and a budget of 226 892 €.

The project was approved under the call “action grants to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal justice” of the H2020 program.

The aim of the project is to simplify the process of cross-border succession where the law applicable to the whole of the succession confers an in rem right on immovable property unknown by the law of the Member State in which that right is invoked. The project will analyze and develop tools that ensure legal certainty in the adaptation of in rem rights in cross-border successions. Through it, the aim is to establish a system of equivalence through the use of an electronic justice platform, which can advise the authorities dealing with the succession to find the corresponding in rem rights conferred by the law applicable to the succession.

This consortium includes researchers from the Universities of Valencia, Genoa, Turku and Heidelberg.

Duration of financing: 2021 to 2022

Funding entity: European Commission - JUST Programm

Coordinator and principal investigator: Afonso Patrão