/ Research Projects

Environmental Sustainability Diplomacy Network

About The Environmental Sustainability Diplomacy Network

Environmental issues are sources of serious conflicts between people, communities, regions and countries. Normative dispersion in the environmental legal system makes it difficult to implement the UN's sustainable development objectives. This reality gives rise to a peculiar and growing field of action, showing a challenging societal and geopolitical context for cooperation and collaboration.

The need to react to climate change, to protect biodiversity, and to share, sustainably and equitably the use of natural resources, requires environmental governance at different levels - local, national, regional and international involving all sectors - from citizens to governments from economic agents to organized civil society in the third sector. It is in this context that environmental diplomacy with a view to sustainability arises. The legal design of environmental diplomacy in a broad sense encounters challenges with regard to the identification of its object, methodology, actors involved, implementation instruments and measurement mechanisms.