/ Research Projects

ComEnerg - Energy Communities in Portugal

About the Project

The energy communities are enshrined in Directives 2018/2001 (RED II), of the European Parliament and of the Council, and 2019/944, of the European Parliament and of the Council (IEMD), transposed into Portuguese law by Decree-Law no. 15/2022, of 14 January. They are intended - among other purposes - for the production and/or sharing of energy in a community context, involving populations, municipalities and, depending on the respective modality, small or medium-sized enterprises.

The role of energy communities is particularly important in times of energy crisis, especially in the context of socio-economic cohesion of the most vulnerable territories, and can also be a valuable vehicle of energy transition in urban and rural areas.

The ComEnerg project aims to project energy communities as instruments for generating Energy Citizenship, promoting education and articulation between the various stakeholders in the context of their creation, implementation and governance.


  • Analysis of the legal framework, at the European Union law level and comparative law regard of the legal nature and discipline of the creation, implementation and governance of energy communities;
  • Strengthening the interface between the public and private sector in the field of energy sustainability;
  • Production of interpretative tools, namely a White Paper for institutional entities and a guide for civil society;
  • Promotion of local and/or national initiatives, of a scientific and pedagogical nature, aimed at raising the awareness of the stakeholders identified.

Equipa do Projeto

Fernanda Paula Oliveira

Team Tutor and UCILeR Researcher

Fernanda Paula Oliveira is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, where she has been teaching since 1990. She is responsible for several curricular units in the graduation and masters degrees of Law and of Public-Private Administration and in the Doctorate of Law of this University, namely Administrative Law, Urban Planning Law, Land Use Planning Law, Urban Management and Urban Rehabilitation Law.

She is a researcher at the University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research.

She has been a member of the juries of several public competitions for the selection of candidates to work for several public entities, as a Notary and for access to the judiciary of the Judicial Courts and Administrative and Tax Courts.

She has participated in several activities in the areas of Urban Planning and Regional Planning Law for Public and Private Institutions in Portugal, Angola, Cape Verde, Spain, France, Brazil, Macau.

For further developments consult her online CV.

Natália Moreno

Team Tutor and UCILeR Researcher

Bachelor of Law by the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, she obtained a Master's Degree in Legal and Political Sciences with mention in Administrative Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, where she is currently attending a PhD course in Public Law.

Since 2014 she has been a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, also teaching, by invitation, in several short and postgraduate courses (stricto and lato sensu) in Portugal, Brazil and Mozambique. In 2018 she was a visiting research scholar at the College of Social Sciences and International Studies and Centre for European Governance at the University of Exeter (UK), under the supervision of Professor Claudio Radaelli.

She is the author of the book Smart Grids and the Regulatory Modelling of Infrastructures and several articles and book chapters published in Portugal and abroad, also participating as a member of the editorial board and reviewer of specialized publications in themes related to regulation and energy, such as the Journal of Energy Law (IBDE) and Energy Policy (Elsevier).

Ciência Vitae

Juliana Chedieck

Team Member

Juliana Chediek is a PhD student in Public Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. She has a Master's Degree in Law (concentration area "Legal Thought and Social Relations") from the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, Brazil, recognized by the Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal (19 values). Specialist in Civil-Constitutional Law from the Universidade Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ. Specialist in Public and Private Law from the Escola da Magistratura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - EMERJ, where she worked as a research assistant from 2002 to 2004. Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (2002), equivalence recognized by the Nova University of Lisbon. She is a research scholarship holder of the Project INTERFACE SEGURA of the Legal Institute and the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Engineering Structures of the University of Coimbra, Portugal (Sep22/Jun23). She is a collaborator of the INDIJEN Project of the Legal Institute of the Law Faculty of the University of Coimbra. She is collaborator and co-leader of Working Group 4 - Outsourcing in the Cost Action Project CA20138 - NEXUSNet.

Email: juliana.chediek@ij.uc.pt

Ciência Vitae

Paulo Ferreira Campos

Team Member

Paulo Ferreira Campos is a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, having completed his Degree and obtained a Master's Degree in Law at the same higher education institution. He is currently preparing his dissertation project in the field of Legal and Economic Sciences, on the subject of the nature of currency on the border between real and digital. Professionally, he works as a parliamentary advisor at the Portuguese Parliament.

Areas of Interest: Public Policy; Political Economy; Economic and Financial Regulation; Sustainability; Public Law.

Email: ferreira.campos.p@gmail.com

Ciência Vitae.

Mônica Faria

Team Member

Mônica Faria Baptista Faria holds a Master's Degree in Law from the Catholic University of Petrópolis (Brazil) and is a PhD candidate in Public Law at the University of Coimbra (Portugal). She holds a postgraduate degree in Private Law from Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil) and a Law Degree from Universidade Estácio de Sá (Brazil). She acts as an ad hoc reviewer for the Lex Humana Magazine (https://seer.ucp.br/seer/index.php/LexHumana). She practices law since 2000. Currently, she is dedicated to academic research in Law, having carried out academic internships as a researcher, by invitation, (i) at the Centre Européen Universitaire, Université de Lorraine, in Nancy (France), where she presented a conference at the Institut de Recherches sur l'Évolution de la Nation et de l'Etat (https://irenee.univ-lorraine.fr/fr/conference-la-transition-energetique-et-numerique-au-regard-des-terres-rares-enjeux-ecologiques-en) and (ii) at the Institut de Droit de l'Environnement - Faculté de Droit - Université Lyon III, in Lyon (France); in all opportunities, as an Erasmus+ Trainee Programme scholar.

Among her publications, the most recent include (i) "Environmental sustainability diplomacy: transparency of intentions and trust for more effective international cooperation", In: Revista de Relações Internacionais: Unicuritiba.edu.br, v.5, nº 38, 2022; and (ii) "Compliance público como instrumento de promoção da sustentabilidade socioambiental", In: Alexandra Aragão e Grace L. Garbaccio (Org.). Compliance e sustentabilidade: perspectivas brasileira e portuguesa. 1st ed. Coimbra: Juridical Institute of the University of Coimbra, 2020.

E-mail: advmonicafaria@gmail.com


Dany Casimiro

Team Member

Dany Casimiro is a Master's student in the area of Legal and Political Sciences with a specialization in Tax Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. He has a degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. His Master's research focuses on Tax Law, Public Finance and Land and Regional Planning Law.

Email: danycasimiro86@gmail.com

Ciência Vitae

Luís Teixeira Cardoso

Team Member

Luís Cardoso, a Master's degree student in Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law, Portuguese Catholic University - Porto. Holds a Bachelor's degree in Law from the University of Minho (with a GPA of 15.1 - Class A on the ECTS scale).

Currently preparing the master's dissertation with a research focus on Public Procurement, Local Authorities, and Local/Regional Development. Commenced an Attorney Internship with the Bar Association in September 2023 at Brochado Coelho Advogados.