UCILeR launches Guide of Good Practices in SMEs - Private Limited Companies

20 october, 2021≈ 2 min read


The University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research launches the Guide to Good Practices in SMEs - Private Limited Company in open access. The publication is authored by researchers Jorge M. Coutinho de Abreu, Alexandre Soveral Martins, Carolina Cunha and Rui Pereira Dias. The work is a bilingual edition, Portuguese and English, and is available at the General Study of the University of Coimbra and can be downloaded here.

The Guide to Good Practices in SMEs - Private Limited Companies contains recommendations on various issues that are of special interest to these companies and is divided into the following parts:

Of incorporation and financing;

The partners;


In the Guide, each Recommendation contains information about the legal regime and brief comments that justify the proposed solutions.