Institut Hans Albert praises University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research initiative

12 march, 2022≈ 2 min read

The Hans Albert Institute, an important research center dedicated to the work of the great German epistemologist (a true Think Tank directed to the legacy of critical rationalism), salutes the University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research and the opening session of the Exhibition last March 2: "Veranstaltung: Die Universität Coimbra ehrt Hans Albert".

Dr. Florian Chefai, director of the Hans Albert Institute, and Dr. Jonas Pöld, director of the institute's archive, were at the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Law and the principle of congruence in the time of science: the Hans Albert Century (N. 1921)". A video with images from the exhibition can be viewed on the UCILeR's Facebook page.