First issue of Societal Challenges and Law published

11 february, 2022≈ 2 min read


The first title to integrate the Societal Challenges and Law Collection was launched: Terrorism: commented legislation - doctrinal texts. This collection is the result of a partnership with the Coimbra University Press and has the scientific coordination of the University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research. The book is available in open access.

"Terrorism: Commented Legislation - doctrinal texts" is coordinated by José Manuel Aroso Linhares and Maria João Antunes. The work recognizes the opportunity and the need to focus on Law 52/2003 and on the chain of changes that have transformed it until today. It is this reflective level - accomplished in the modus of a commentary - that the first part preserves. The second part imposes itself without solutions of continuity: it is still about developing a legislative commentary and directing it to the spectrum of solutions generated by the revision of the National Strategy to Combat Terrorism, one of the systematic authoritarian-prescriptive contexts (but also one of the historical occasions, wounded by the Charlie Hebdo "affaire") that the interpretation of the Law today inevitably assimilates. The third part develops with other intentions from the theme that underpins the work as a whole - that of Law's response(s) to the problem of terrorism. It is about allowing dogmatic-material approaches to combine with considerations of criminal policy and with meta-dogmatic reflections, but it is also (and above all) about pretending to hope that such coexistence may involve its authors and reach its potential audiences as a truly productive composite.