Book on artificial intelligence in the economic sector published

15 march, 2022≈ 2 min read

The book Artificial Intelligence in the economic sector: prevention and responsibility, coordinated by Drs. Maria João Antunes and Susana Aires de Sousa, researchers at the University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research, is available in open access. The book, published only in English, counts with the participation of national and foreign researchers and is divided in two parts: prevention and responsibility. The first part has the following chapters: Intelligent Compliance (Pedro Maia); Algo trading (Alexandre de Soveral Martins); The use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to prevent and detect fraud (José Ricardo Marcondes Ramos). In the second part, the chapters are: The Last Cocktail - Economic and Financial Crime, Corporate Criminal Responsibility, Compliance and Artificial Intelligence (Anabela Miranda Rodrigues); Algorithmic Harms as Corporate Misconduct (Mihailis E. Diamantis); Artificial Intelligence as the End of Criminal Law? On the Algorithmic Transformation of Society (Christoph Burchard). This book is a result of the UCILeR's exploratory project "Artificial Intelligence and Corporate Criminality”.