On 9 and 10 May 2024, the event Supporting Capacity - The experience of acompanhamento - a national and international perspective will be held at Colégio da Trindade. This event has the support of the Public Prosecutor's Union, the ASJP Coimbra Regional Directorate and the Coimbra Regional Council of the Portuguese Bar Association.

Organisation: Paula Távora Vítor and Geraldo Rocha Ribeiro

This event is associated with the PID2022-139899OB-I00 project ‘Nuevos desafíos del Derecho Biomédico en la protección jurídico-civil de las personas mayores’, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and ‘“FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa”.

Registration here.

 Call for Papers

The conference “Supporting Capacity. A experiência do acompanhamento – uma perspetiva nacional e internacional” (“Supporting Capacity. The experience of the acompanhamento – a national and international perspective), that will be held at Colégio da Trindade (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra), on May 9th and 10th, has opened its call for papers for young researchers.

This event intends to serve as a platform for reflection on the Portuguese system regarding the capacity of adults (which, in 2018, underwent a major reform, with the introduction of a new support measure - acompanhamento) and its inclusion in the international context of the promotion of the fundamental rights of adults.

The theme will therefore include both proposals for presentations on the Portuguese system and other legal systems relating to the capacity of adults.

The presentations will be in a hybrid format (in person and online) on 10 May, from 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm.


Proposals should be submitted no later than 26 April 2024 by email to paulavit@fd.uc.pt. The results of the selection will be emailed on 30 April 2024.

The proposals should include the proposed title, an abstract of no more than 300 words and the participant’s name, function, and affiliation.


9 May 2024

10h00-10h30 – Opening Session

10h30-11h10 - International trends

Paulo Mota Pinto (Faculty of Law – University of Coimbra)

  • Adrian D. Ward (European Law Institute) - “The development of law and practice from the past and into the future: an international perspective”
  • Masha Antokolskaia (Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam; Fl-Eur) – “Supporting And Protecting Vulnerable Adults In Europe: First Results of the Fl-Eur Project”

Coffee break

11h30- 13h30 - Voluntary and informal measures

J. P. Remédio Marques (Faculty of Law – University of Coimbra)

  • Rieneke Stelma- Roorda (Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam) - “The need for enduring and dynamic voluntary measures - the experience with the Dutch levenstestament
  • André Dias Pereira (Faculty of Law – University of Coimbra) – “Da necessidade de divulgação das Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade, como forma de planeamento do envelhecimento”
  • Marta Rosas (Catholic University of Portugal – Porto) – “Negócios de planeamento patrimonial para apoio na diminuição da capacidade”.
  • Inês Robalo (Public Prosecution Service) - “A Voz do Adulto no Regime do Maior Acompanhado”

Lunch break

15h00 – 17h15 - State-ordered measures

F. M. Pereira Coelho (Faculty of Law – University of Coimbra)

  • António Menezes Cordeiro (Faculty of Law – University of Lisbon) – “O processo legislativo do regime do acompanhamento”
  • Volker Lipp (University of Göttingen) - “Law Reform in Germany and the CRPD – Re-balancing Freedom and Protection”
  • Mafalda Miranda Barbosa (Faculty of Law – University of Coimbra) - "O balanço de 6 anos de acompanhamento"
  • Javier Barceló Domenech (University of Alicante) - “Velhice, vulnerabilidade e curatela: uma visão do novo sistema espanhol de apoios após a reforma da lei 8/2021"
  • Paula Távora Vítor (Faculty of Law – University of Coimbra/Centro de Direito da Família) – “O regime do acompanhamento e as exigências da CDPD”

10 May 2024

10h00-11h30 - Procedure and ínterim measures

António Pinto Monteiro (Faculty of Law – University of Coimbra)

  • Miguel Teixeira de Sousa (Faculty of Law – University of Lisbon) – “Aspetos gerais e problemáticos do processo de acompanhamento de maiores”
  • Joaquim Correia Gomes (Judge) – “O direito humano de acesso à justiça, a discapacidade biopsicossocial e o exame pericial: a proposta do modelo de fusão”
  • Vânia Magalhães (Judge) – “Particularidades processuais do acompanhamento de maiores”
  • Teresa Letras (Lawyer) – “Regime do maior acompanhado: entre o preconceito e o imposto reconhecimento da dignidade humana – questões processuais”

11h50- 12h40 - Cross-border issues

  • Nietta Keane (Hague Conference on Private International Law) – “Permanent Bureau)– The HCCH 2000 Protection of Adults Convention – an overview and recent development”
  • Cheyda Süral Efeçinar (Universidade Piri Reis – Istambul) - “Turkish Private International Law provisions concerning guardianship”
  • Geraldo Rocha Ribeiro (Judge/Centro de Direito da Família) – A implementação da Convenção de Haia: experiência portuguesa

13h00 – 13h20 - Closing remarks

15h30-17h00 - Papers presented by young researchers